Have you ever wondered why your cat panics at the sight of water?
Well, you’re not alone! Many cat lovers face the same conundrum. Imagine you just want to give your cat a bath and suddenly they turn into a wriggling, hissing resistance fighter. What exactly causes such a reaction? In this article, we want to get to the bottom of this phenomenon. Keep reading to find out why many cats avoid water and where exactly these deep-rooted instincts come from. Dive with us (pun intended!) into the exciting world of cat psychology. Are you ready for us to reveal the secrets of our feline friends?
If so, prepare to take the plunge and be surprised!
How do cats react to water?

Have you ever noticed that your cat immediately runs out of the room as soon as you start running a bath? Or maybe they sit at the edge of the tub and stare transfixed into the water without daring to move any closer. Why is that? Cats often have a pronounced aversion to water. There are exceptions to this rule – in fact, cats often love to play with water taps and some even enjoy a good swim. But most cats react to water by fleeing. What’s behind this behaviour? And can you change it? Let’s take a look at why cats don’t like water:
Why don’t cats like water?
Have you ever wondered why your cat avoids water? Especially seeing as they drink it every day! Cats have a special drinking behaviour and they particularly prefer fresh, running water.

But as soon as it comes to taking a bath or having wet fur, they usually react negatively. There are many different reasons for this. For example, some cats have had bad experiences with water while others are simply naturally more averse to it than their fellow felines. The evolutionary history of cats also plays a decisive role here.
Negative experiences
Does your cat make a quick exit as soon as they see or hear water? One of the most common reasons for this aversion is a history of negative experiences with water in the past. Perhaps your cat got wet unintentionally or experienced something unpleasant in connection with water that frightened them? These kinds of experiences will likely have shaped their attitude towards water. But that’s not all: the evolutionary history of cats also has a key influence on the way they deal with water. The family of mammals known as Felidae first came into being roughly 40 million years ago, and their long history has made our domestic cats the water-shy creatures we know today.

Evolutionary history of the cat

Cats originated in arid regions. In fact, their wild ancestors lived in deserts and steppes where water was a rarity. For this reason, cats didn’t develop a strong connection to water. They were dependent on getting their moisture from food and have adapted perfectly to a “dry” life. These evolutionary roots explain their behaviour towards water to this day: in this regard, nothing has changed.
Cats are not big drinkers by nature.
Their instinct is to cover their water requirements through the food they consume.
For this reason, your cat might not drink very much from its water bowl.
Water makes cats heavier
Water poses a greater challenge to cats than you might think. When their fur gets wet, it becomes heavy and ‘unwieldy’. In turn, this hinders their agility and makes them less nimble, which causes problems when it comes to hunting. Cats need to be able to climb and react quickly to their prey: A heavy wet coat will restrict their manoeuvrability. Apart from this, wet fur is often unpleasant for our feline friends simply because it makes them cool down more quickly. This is why they’re instinctively programmed to always keep themselves clean and dry!

Wet fur makes cats cool down more quickly.
Cats are good at regulating their body temperature, but wet fur can upset the balance between hot and cold.
And cats will find this uncomfortable.
They lose flexibility

Imagine having to wear dripping wet clothes all day long. It would feel heavy and uncomfortable, right? This is exactly how your cat feels when their coat gets wet! Cats are normally incredibly flexible and nimble. When their fur is dry, these furry tigers slip through narrow gaps and jump effortlessly from one piece of furniture to the next. If their fur gets wet, however, this will change immediately: when their fur becomes heavy and sticky, your cat will lose their flexibility. Wet fur means they’ll no longer be able to move as elegantly and smoothly as they usually do.

They lose their body’s natural scent

Cats are sensitive when it comes to their body’s natural scent. Why? Scents are an essential part of their everyday lives, helping them to feel safe and secure. In fact, cats also use scents for communication, orientation and their own well-being. Your cat’s body odour is more than just a scent – it’s an important part of their identity! When their fur gets wet, not only does their natural scent change, they also lose a part of their personality.
Can cats swim?
So, now we know that water is not popular among cats, but can cats swim despite their aversion? The surprising answer is yes, they can! Cats are naturally good swimmers, even though they usually avoid water. Some cat breeds are even known to love water! But as a rule, our furry friends are more comfortable on land. So it’s rare to see a cat voluntarily splashing around in the water. Still, if they have to, they’re good at staying afloat: every cat instinctively knows how swim!

all cats can swim? Whether they’re as agile as an albatross or they have to struggle even to stay afloat – this depends on their general condition and external circumstances:
How old is the cat?
How fit is the cat?
What type of water is the cat moving in?
How much does the cat weigh?
How cold is the water the cat is swimming in?
Are all cats natural born swimmers?

Yes, cats can swim, even if most of them are not fond of water. By nature, they have the ability to stay afloat, and in an emergency this talent comes to the fore. If necessary, cats can swim for an astonishingly long time. They’ll instinctively keep themselves afloat by paddling. How long they’re able to keep this up depends on their level of fitness and the amount of stress they find themselves under. In emergency situations, they usually manage to stay afloat for several minutes to reach the nearest shore. But they tire quickly and should not stay in the water for too long.
Common situations in which cats swim

Cats don’t swim often, but there are a few situations in which they do. Here are the most common ones:
On the run or when danger is at hand
When cats have to flee from an enemy, sometimes the only way to save themselves is to jump into a body of water.
When hunting and searching for food
Cats will occasionally go into the water to hunt or drink; if they find themselves in deeper water, however, they won’t go under, preferring instead to seek out shallower water.
When exploring foreign territories
If a cat finds itself in another animal’s territory and wants to avoid any kind of confrontation with the proprietor of that domain, it might decide to escape via water, even if this means getting wet.
Involuntarily falling in
Some cats are super curious and like to live on the edge, which means they might also accidentally fall into a pool or a pond at some point.
Cat accidentally falls into the water?

If your cat accidentally falls into the water, you’ll probably be surprised at how well they can swim. They won’t be a huge fan of the water, but they’ll draw on their natural swimming talent to get back on solid ground as quickly as possible. If you witness this kind of mishap, it’s important to dry them off thoroughly and help calm them down. The shock your cat experienced will usually be processed quite quickly.
Cat has to cross a river
When your cat has to cross a river, it will likely display surprising abilities. Although cats don’t particularly like water, they will be able to instinctively swim from one bank to another. They’ll use their strong legs to swim purposefully through the water. It’s fascinating to see how determined and skilful they can be! Cats are incredibly adaptable …
Which cat breeds like water?

Did you know that some cats actually like water? Some breeds are totally happy to go for a swim! For example, the Turkish Van is known to love splashing around in water. The Maine Coon and the Bengal cat often show an interest in water and find it exciting to play with. The Norwegian Forest Cat is also a water lover. These are curious cats who see water as an exciting adventure. So if you’re looking for a water-loving cat, these breeds are a good choice!
The Turkish Van has a preference for water
Have you ever heard of the Turkish Van? This breed of cat actually enjoys the water! This might be due to the fact that they come from the Van region in Turkey, which is rich in lakes. One special feature of the Turkish Van is that it likes to go fishing. This cat breed won’t necessarily seek out the water for a leisurely swim or use it to dip its food into (which are things other water-loving breeds have been known to do); still, don’t be surprised if you see a Turkish Van on an underwater hunt, netting one goldfish after another from the garden pond at home. What a catch!

The Maine Coon and its water-repellent coat
Much like the Ragdoll and the Norwegian Forest Cat the Maine Coon is one of the largest and heaviest cat breeds out there today. With its bushy, water-repellent coat, it is very similar to a raccoon – and not just on the outside! Coonies are just as water-loving and agile as small bears: they move around with nimble ease, opening doors and taps with a flick of the paw – some even like to dip their food into water before they eat it! In the summertime, if you happen to have a cat-friendly sprinkler or paddling pool in your garden, these kitties will be completely in their element …!

To make sure the fun doesn’t come to an abrupt end because of those sharp feline claws, it’s a good idea to choose a dog pool: these pools are able to withstand a lot and offer your furry friends a great deal of bathing fun!
Bengal cats like water
Would you have thought that Bengal cats were fond of water? These cats are as beautiful as wild cats but as gentle and affectionate as house cats. They’re a kind of “mini leopard” for your home – only much more affectionate and fixated on their humans! These active and playful furry tigers have an unusual fondness for anything to do with water. Some Bengals will even voluntarily jump into the bathtub. Their fondness for water means they might even want to join you in the bath or shower. Their thick fur dries quickly, so they’re not afraid of a little dip. If you have a Bengal cat, you’re likely to have a number of watery adventures!

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a keen swimmer
Norwegian Forest cats are also keen swimmers! With their thick, water-repellent fur, they’re perfectly adapted to cold Nordic winters. Their lush undercoat is covered by awn hairs and protects these cats from the wet and cold. Their dense frontal ruff, which consists of an extra thick coat between their chin and shoulders, is quite striking and becomes a commanding mane in winter. Norwegian Forrest cats are also known for their “knickerbockers” or “snowshoes”: special bits of fur they grow between their toes and on individual joints, especially in winter. These tufts of hair are perfect for making their way through the snow-covered forests of Norway.
FAQs – Why do cats hate water?
Cats react differently to water. For many cats, water is an absolute no-go that they’ll avoid at all costs. However, there are some breeds, such as the Turkish Van and the Bengal cats, who love water and even enjoy splashing around in it.
There are evolutionary reasons why cats tend to avoid water. Today’s cats are the descendants of wild cats that originated in dry habitats where water was scarce and played only a minor role in their survival. This is why their ancestors never developed a strong bond with water.
Breeds such as the Turkish Van and the Bengal cat have an affinity for water. The Maine Coon is also known for its love of playing with water. And the Norwegian Forest Cat is perfectly adapted to a wet environment and can swim if necessary.
Cats can swim if they have to. Many cats avoid water, but that doesn’t mean they’re not able to swim. Still, for most cats, swimming is more of an emergency solution than a favourite pastime. If they can’t see any other way out of a situation: they’ll close their eyes and take the plunge!
Cats usually only swim when it’s absolutely necessary. For example, they might start swimming if they accidentally fall into a body of water or if they feel they have to cross a river. Some cats swim because they like water, but most cats tend to avoid getting wet
Basically, all cats can swim if they have to, but not all of them are fond of doing so. While some cats like to splash around, others simply have no need and prefer to avoid contact. In fact, they’re likely to give everything that splashes a wide berth.