Save money with the right cat litter? Here’s how to cut costs by using Cat’s Best®.
Rising inflation rates mean less spending power for everyone – even us cat lovers.
Rising inflation rates mean less spending power for everyone – even us cat lovers.
And when it comes to choosing a cat litter these days, people should pay attention not only to their cat’s personal preferences, but also to the price-performance ratio of the cat litter itself. Is it possible to save money on cat litter and make your cat happy at the same time?
Yes, it is, because Cat’s Best® provides inexpensive cat hygiene that will actually help you save money!
A cost comparison of plant-based cat litter and conventional mineral litter
If you compare the cost of various cat litters, you’ll quickly realise that cheap does not automatically mean good!

How does plant-based cat litter compare to mineral litter in terms of cost? How much conventional mineral litter do you need compared to a plant-based litter? How much liquid does each type of litter absorb? How often do you need to change the litter completely? Does the litter absorb liquid quickly and how high should it be filled to prevent leakage onto the bottom of the litter box? Is it easy to remove the lumps created by clumping litter? And do they remain intact or do they crumble when you pick them up?
Advantages of using plant-based litter from Cat’s Best®

Cat’s Best® harnesses the power of technologically enhanced active wood fibres that enable the litter to absorb and encapsulate up to 7 times its own weight in urine. This makes it possible for Cat’s Best Original to remain in the litter tray for up to 5 weeks before a complete change is necessary. Another noticeable feature of Cat’s Best® Original is the special shape of the clumps it creates. Unlike conventional clumping litter, the cat urine doesn’t stay stuck at the surface: instead, when the urine comes into contact with Cat’s Best® litter, a compact clump forms which binds urine not only on the outside, but permanently deep inside. This means that the urine doesn’t seep through to the bottom of the litter box. Instead, you get perfect protection against leakage!
Waste and disposal
The disposal of conventional mineral litter is problematic because you’re obliged to throw it into the residual waste bin. It then ends up being incinerated and placed in a landfill. If you share your home with several feline friends, you may also have to pay higher waste collection fees over and above the other negative side effects of mineral litter, such as extreme odour and lots of heavy lugging back and forth.

TIP: If comfortable handling is important to you and you want to protect the environment while also saving a lot of money, you should make sure the only thing you put in your cat’s box is a purely plant-based litter like Cat’s Best®!
While mineral cat litter ends up in local landfills, the raw materials used in biodegradable natural cat litter can be recycled after use. This will please you and your kitty!

If your local waste disposal regulations allow it*, you might even be permitted to dispose of individual clumps of Cat’s Best® in your household toilet. These clumps dissolve completely when they come into contact with water, so your toilet won’t get blocked.
*Please always comply with local disposal regulations.
Costs at a glance
What are the costs associated with using a plant-based cat litter? First of all, they will be lower! Because plant-based cat litter is cheaper on balance than conventional litter. It’s highly economical and has a great price-performance ratio. For example, Cat’s Best® Original is up to 3 times more absorbent than conventional mineral litter and can remain in the litter box for up to 5 weeks before needing a complete change. Only Cat’s Best® uses the natural power of refined active wood fibres, making it highly economical and cost-effective. You’ll need only 2.1 kg per month – that’s roughly 1/10th the amount of average litter used. In other words, with Cat’s Best®, less lasts longer!

Cost savings when using plant-based litter (over the course of time/per year)
Plant-based litter is simply more economical. A household with a cat weighing 3.5 kg will use roughly 270 kg of litter per year. Plant-based cat litter has less mass and weighs 50% less. At the same time, it’s much more efficient than its mineral counterpart. Unlike conventional litter, plant-based litter can absorb up to 7 times its own weight in liquid. This means that natural cat litter will reduce your litter volume by up to 40%. A household that switches to natural cat litter will no longer need 270 kg of litter per year; instead, you’ll easily manage with only 64 kg!
Tips on how to care for your cat in more economical ways
Any tips on how to care for your cat in more economical ways? When it comes to cats, you should always pay attention to cleanliness, of course! Cats are extremely sensitive to smells, even more so than us humans. Unpleasant odours disturb them and they’ll always prefer to avoid anything that offends their sensitive noses.

This means you should always make sure to keep your litter box meticulously clean! For your cat to feel comfortable in its toilet area, the litter has to be filled to the perfect height. Make sure you don’t put in too little litter! And you should remove the droppings on a regular basis. Just dispose of the faeces and soiled litter and refill the box with fresh litter. This way, your cat’s toilet area will remain a friendly place that they’ll be happy to visit time and again.
Use of plant-based litter
More and more cat lovers are using eco-friendly cat litter made from renewable, purely plant-based raw materials. Why? This litter is available in clumping and non-clumping variants and offers both you and your cat a number of advantages:
- unique odour control thanks to technologically refined active wood fibres
- 700% absorbency with natural flow protection
- Up to 3x more absorbent than conventional litter
- Exclusive ICS* Wood Fibre Technology
- Low dust, high-yield and very economical
- For cats of all ages
- Light weight, easy to transport
- Biodegradable

*Intelligent Capillary System
Every cat has its own special preferences. Yours too, right? This is why Cat’s Best® is specially tailored to the unique needs of cats and comes in different varieties: Cat’s Best® Original fights odours naturally and actively, Cat’s Best® Smart Pellets puts an end to scattering outside the tray and Cat’s Best® Sensitive ensures a high level of naturally antibacterial cleanliness in the box.

Change litter less often

You can leave plant-based litters like Cat’s Best® in the litter box much longer without affecting their performance. This means that you’ll have to change the litter less often. Is there some kind of chemical involved in this process? Nope, just nature and lots of hi-tech! The ICS* Wood Fibre Technology specially developed for Cat’s Best® makes it possible to refine active wood fibres to such an extent that they’re able to absorb and trap liquids up to 7 times their own weight in a completely natural manner! This prevents odours from developing in the first place. Plus, one filling of Cat’s Best® can stay in your cat’s litter box for several weeks before needing to be changed.
Clean the litter box regularly
The best way to clean your cat’s litter box is to wash it with hot water and a neutral detergent. After that, let it dry thoroughly before pouring in a fresh load of litter to a height of at least 5-7 cm. In between washings, whenever you feel it’s necessary, you should remove the clumps your cat leaves behind, for example using a Cat’s Best® special litter scoop. This way, you’ll use less material and significantly reduce the need for cleaning! Our Cat’s Best® Spoon Clip allows you to neatly reseal the package and also find the perfect, most economical dose when refilling your cat’s litter box.

TIP: Would you like to find out more? We’ve compiled a guide of informative and easy-to-read tips and facts relating to cat hygiene.