What kinds of experiences does your cat have when it’s out at night while you’re fast asleep?
It’s hard to imagine and perhaps even a bit mysterious, right? Of course, cats are nocturnal by nature. Still, that doesn’t mean we truly understand exactly what they’re doing out there.
Join us on an exciting journey into feline nightlife and find out what your furry friends get up to when its dark and only the moon shines brightly overhead …
Why are cats nocturnal?

Our cats are real night owls! In the dark they set out on exciting expeditions, stalk their prey and seek the company of other cats. Their keen senses are perfectly attuned to nocturnal activities, which means they notice every movement and every little noise. Sometimes they spend their time hiding, just to avoid a confrontation. These nocturnal adventures allow them to live out their natural instincts and stay active.
What does my cat do outside at night?
At night, when you’re sound asleep, your cat is out there having exciting adventures! It might be roaming its territory, exploring every nook and cranny. Or it might be hunting mice and other small animals that become active as soon as it gets dark. On some nights, your cat might meet up with other cats to socialise or engage in a battle over territory. Sometimes they might feel they have to hide from larger animals or just take a long rest. Many exciting experiences await your furry friend each and every night.

They go on exploratory missions
These exploratory missions sometimes have an astonishingly large radius, which means your cat might end up at the far reaches of their environment. Anyone with an outdoor cat knows they sometimes don’t come back for a while. Of course, when your furry friend stays away for longer than usual and doesn’t seem to be coming home, at some point you’re going to start to worry. Where on earth is that cat? Has something happened to them?
Territories are incredibly important to cats because they offer them a realm in which to search for food, hide from enemies and organise their social interactions. The exact radius of a cat’s territory varies greatly and depends entirely on the cat:
- Free-range cats can roam in territories the size of 3.5 football pitches. ⚽️
- Various factors play a role here: for example, the cat’s sex, age and environment.🐾
- Male cats often have larger territories than females because they require more space to search for a mate. 💘

They hunt other smaller animals
When your cat is out at night, their inner hunter awakens: they prowl through bushes and grass, always on the lookout for mice and other small animals. Their senses will be heightened and every rustle or movement will attract their attention. Sometimes they might even lurk patiently for a very long time, only to strike at the right moment with lightning speed!

…, that night hunts 🐀 aren’t just a fun adventure for your cat,
but also a wonderful opportunity to exercise their natural
instincts and train their skills? 🎯
They hide from other animals
Unfortunately, dangers also lurk outside at night. Larger animals such as dogs and foxes – but also other cats – can make life difficult for your furry friend. When your cat feels it necessary, they will look for sheltered hiding places or take refuge in high trees. This is a practical response that allows them to feel safe and simultaneously keep an eye on their surroundings. Hiding is a natural instinct that helps your cat to avoid danger while continuing its nocturnal explorations. This way, they can feel relaxed and have a carefree night.
They’re looking for company with other cats
Cats are also social at night. They often meet up with other cats from the neighbourhood to play, hunt or just hang out. These encounters can be friendly, but they can also lead to small territorial fights. Such encounters are particularly common in densely populated areas. After any such nocturnal tête-à-tête, your cat might unintentionally bring back uninvited and unwelcome guests into your home: dirt, vermin and parasites.
When it comes to keeping themselves clean, cats don’t actually need any outside help. They usually manage that all by themselves. However, when outdoor cats come home very dirty, or when a wet cloth isn’t enough to remove all the dirt and you suspect they might have some nasty parasites in tow, a cat bath makes perfect sense!
At what age can my cat start going outside?

Is your cat old enough to go outside alone? The age at which a cat is mature enough to set off on an outdoor adventure depends on various factors. We’ve compiled a list of conditions that should be met, just to ensure that your cat can truly enjoy this exciting time. It might also be helpful for you to accompany your cat on their first trips outside. This way, you can ensure they’re able to find a safe path back to where you are.
When can you let a kitten out for the first time?
It’s better not to let kittens outside until they’re at least four to six months old and neutered. At this age, your cat will be sufficiently vaccinated and robust enough to explore the outside world. Start with short trips under your supervision. This way, your cat will slowly get used to the outside environment and learn to orient itself. At this point, it’s very important that your cat knows its name and responds when called. You’ll see that with a little patience and regular training, you’ll be able to help your cat move around safely and confidently outside!

Things you should take care of before letting your kitten out for the first time!
Before your kitten takes its first exploratory steps into the big wide world, you should make sure they are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. Their first excursion outdoors should take place during the daytime so that they can orientate themselves better in daylight. Accompany your kitty and let them slowly explore everything. Create a safe environment for your furry friend by cordoning off dangerous areas and minimising possible escape routes. If you take these steps, your kitty’s first trip will be a positive experience!
Before you let your cat outside for the first time, you should take care of the following things:
- Vaccinations: Make sure your cat has received all necessary vaccinations.
- Neutering: Your cat should be neutered before you let them outside for the first time.
- Microchip: Have your cat wear a microchip. If your cat runs away, a chip will make it easier to identify them and reunite them with you.
- Settling in: Give your cat enough time to get used to their new home first before you let them go outside.
- Time of day: Start by taking your cat out on daytime excursions first. If those go well, you can try the same thing in the evening.
- Accompany: It’s a good idea to accompany your cat the first time they go out, just to give them a sense of security. You can also show them how to get home again.
- A trouble-free journey home: Make sure your cat can easily make it home on their own whenever they want to, if necessary by means of a cat flap.
Letting your cat out at night – everything you need to know

Letting your cat go out at night can be exciting, but it also carries risks. This is why it’s important for your cat to have all necessary vaccinations and to be microchipped in advance. First, slowly get your cat used to their new freedom by accompanying them out during the day. This will give them a sense of security. At night there are dangers like cars and other animals, so it’s important that you cat has a safe place to retreat to where they feels safe. Using a cat flap allows them to return to the house at any time. This will make your furry friend feel comfortable and you’ll have a good feeling too!
Can you leave cats outside in winter?
You can also let your cat out during the winter months if you pay attention to a few things. To ensure that your cat feels comfortable and doesn’t freeze, you should offer them a warm and dry shelter, ideally in the form of an insulated cat house¹. If you decide to let your cat out in winter, you should also observe their behaviour. Why? Some cats, especially short-haired cats, prefer to stay indoors when it’s cold. Cats that have a thick coat of fur all year round, on the other hand, love winter! Ultimately, it depends on how well your cat deals with the cold winter temperatures outside.
¹Source: VGL Publishing AG (04.08.2024): „Katzenhaus Outdoor Vergleich 2024. Die besten Katzenhütten im Vergleich.“, online at Katzenhaus Outdoor Test & Vergleich » Top 18 im August 2024, accessed on 7 Aug. 2024
During the winter months, it’s especially important that your furry friend gets regular meals with plenty of water.
Warning: Both food and water can freeze at temperatures below freezing! ⚠️
Do cats sleep outside at night?
Our cats are nocturnal animals that use the darkness to hunt and explore their territory. However, even though these furry tigers enjoy roaming around outside, they still might want to take a nap in the wee hours. To make this possible, they will likely look for a safe and comfortable place to sleep. Outdoor cats in particular are very clever and always find nice places to rest. Fortunately, there are many options, for example under bushes, in trees or in garden sheds…
Cat left outside overnight – what to do?
If your cat has spent the night outside, there’s no need to worry. In other words, there’s usually no cause for alarm. First, you should look for your cat in the immediate area by calling out their name so that they know you’re there and want them to come home. Make sure to look for them in their favourite places, that is, where they usually spend most of their time outside. After that, just check regularly to see if they’ve made their way back.

Sometimes the opposite happens: Has a cat shown up at your door or did you somehow find a cat? This can happen when you least expect it: suddenly it appears, a cat. 🐈 What’s the best thing to do in this case?
How to keep your cat indoors at night

We have a few great tips on how to keep your cat indoors at night. First of all, make your cat’s home as exciting as it is outside! Why not offer your cat something new to play with: How about a cool toy, a new scratching post or interactive games? Create a comfortable place for them to sleep with a lookout, maybe somewhere with a soft cushion on a windowsill, so that they feel comfortable and enjoy spending time there. Make sure to close all doors and windows tightly so that your cat can’t escape. If you stick to a fixed routine, e.g. always coming back to the house at the same time, your cat will get used to staying indoors at night.

Installing a cat flap with a time lock
A cat flap with a time lock² is a great thing! It allows you to control exactly when your cat is allowed in and out. This way you’re able to keep track of things all the time. These flaps are very easy to programme in such a way that you can specify what times they should be open or closed. This is particularly useful if you want your cat to stay indoors at night. You can easily install the flap in a sturdy door and then get your furry friend used to it step by step.
²Source: klarersieger.de (07.08.2024): „Die 5 besten Katzenklappen mit zeitschaltuhr und Chip – August 2024“, online at Die 5 besten Katzenklappe Mit Zeitschaltuhr Und Chip – August 2024 (klarersieger.de), accessed on 7 Aug. 2024
- Open the flap and keep it open – this way, the cat will see “Aha! – this is the way out!”
- Give your cat time to look at this “thing” more closely.
- After a few days, loosen the flap and let it swing gently so that your cat learns to understand the mechanism.
- Use a toy (perhaps a stuffed mouse or something similar) to show your cat how to pass through the flap: fish the toy through the flap and leave it on the other side.
- Instead of a toy, you can also use a treat or food to lure hesitant kitties to the other side
- Your cat might just gently paw at the swinging part at first – that’s a start! Be patient and keep practicing!

TIP: Eventually your cat will learn to go through the flap head first – and of course vice versa – from outside to inside!
Playing with the cat in the evening
If you want to do something nice for your cat, a playing session in the evening is a wonderful way to keep them occupied and power them out. You might want to give them toys that allow them to live out their hunting instincts, or you can hide treats in a fun board or under a blanket to challenge them. Playing together strengthens your bond with your cat and ensures that they feel relaxed and content after playing. This will make them more willing to spend the night in the house with you and get a good night’s sleep.
Make your flat interesting for cats
A home with multiple activity options is the key to a happy and fulfilled cat life. Make sure your furry friend has as many play and climbing opportunities as possible, including such things as scratching posts, shelves and a cat wheel. A cat wheel is a great way for indoor cats to let off steam and burn off excess energy. This way, your cat can be active and happy even within its own four walls.

… you’ll never be able to completely “turn” a die-hard outdoor cat.
Although life indoors has many advantages, these cats will feel like they’re locked up:
“Does the caged bird sing – or does it cry?” (Chinese proverb)
Frequently asked questions about What does my cat do outside at night?
You can leave your cat outside at night if they’ve been vaccinated and microchipped. Make sure your cat has a safe place to hide as well as easy access to your house. Watch for extreme weather conditions and monitor your cat’s behaviour in advance to make sure they’re comfortable outside.
Our cats are nocturnal because their prey (mice, etc.) is often nocturnal too. In the dark, their senses are particularly heightened, which helps them hunt. Even though they’re our beloved domesticated pets, they still have a hunting instinct and use the night-time to engage in their favourite pursuits.
Kittens should be at least four months old and neutered before they’re allowed outside. At this age, they will have received all of their most important vaccinations and be strong enough to explore the outside world. Still, you should accompany kittens on their first outings just to make sure they feel safe.
When they’re outside, our cats explore their territory, hunt small animals (mice, etc.), seek out the company of other cats and occasionally hide from larger animals. They use the environment to live out their natural instincts and sharpen their senses.
Before you let your cat out for the first time, make sure they’ve had all necessary vaccinations but also that they’ve been neutered and microchipped. It’s important that they know their own name and respond when you call them. Start with short outings and make sure they’re always able to return home at any time.
Your cat wants to go outside at night because it is nocturnal by nature. After the sun goes down, cats use their heightened senses to hunt, explore their territory and maintain social contacts. In other words, their night-time urge to go outside is deeply rooted in their natural feline instincts.