Cat on New Year’s Eve – what can you do to make the last day of the year relaxed?
Here are 8 tips for an anxiety-free New Year’s Eve with cat.
Welcome the New Year with a mega party, fireworks and popping corks? For many velvet paws this is sheer horror! In the animal kingdom, cat hearing is among the best; it’s so well-developed that they can hear even the smallest whimper of a mouse. Even when cats dream, they hear! This is vital for survival – because in the wild, they would be easy prey for their enemies while asleep. Your kitty doesn’t know that the noise on New Year’s Eve is a harmless party. Also fireworks, guests and changes in their usual environment disturb quite a few fur noses.
What can you do to help your cat get through New Year’s Eve as stress-free as possible?
1. Practice in advance with the cat
Eyes can be closed, but unfortunately not the ears: You have certainly noticed that your cat’s mouth is not so pleased when it suddenly gets loud. On New Year’s Eve, cat ears are also confronted with sounds that are completely foreign to them. Practice with your cat in advance and play New Year’s Eve noises for her from time to time. So you train her hearing and she can then slowly get used to it. Since velvet paws have a much more sensitive hearing than humans, you should not turn up the volume too high!

2. Do not leave the cat alone on New Year’s Eve
Peg-leg Pete – alone at home? Better not. You don’t have to give up a New Year’s celebration because of your cat, but don’t leave him alone on New Year’s Eve! Also simply in a room lock and on to the large Chillen is not in the sense of your cat! She doesn’t want to be left alone tonight, when there’s banging, hooting and crashing everywhere. She needs you now! She is scared and looking for closeness. Invite a few friends that your cat knows and spend a cozy evening with you and your cat – at home.

3. Do not let the cat outside on New Year’s Eve
Even if your cat does not understand at first and looks at you contrite: On New Year’s Eve there is no exit, you should not let the cat outside. Even for cats that are used to being outdoors, this can be dangerous; they can easily get scared and hurt. Better to minimize the risk and not let the cat out that day. Make sure that all cat flaps, doors and windows are properly locked in time and your velvet paw cannot slip out somewhere unnoticed!

When the cat ran away on New Year’s Eve
And then it happened! In an unguarded moment – when someone opened the house or patio door – your kitty escaped. Of course you are worried, because it can be dangerous for them out there on New Year’s Eve, and you decide to go and look for your cat? Just like that, running haphazardly through the area, is pretty pointless. These are the tips you should follow if your cat has run away on New Year’s Eve and the search is to be successful

When the cat is injured

What to do if you found the cat and it is injured? Catch it carefully and take it to a vet near you, but be careful: an injured cat is scared and probably tries to fight back! For the layman, even for people with a lot of cat experience, it is difficult to quickly diagnose within seconds the right thing to do in such situations. Therefore, proceed systematically:
1. try to stay calm – cats sense it when you panic.
2. call your veterinarian, describe the situation and ask for advice.
3. give first aid if necessary-it is best to do it only if you know how it works with a cat.

TIP: There are special kits for first aid for cats for home and first aid courses for cats!
4. Avoid new environments and transports
Maybe take the cat with you to a New Year’s Eve party away from home? Possibly connected with arrival and departure, because the party takes place somewhere else? Not a good idea! Transportation and new environments are stressful for cats, you should avoid that. Our cats are creatures of habit: they love their rituals, everything as always-then they feel secure. The Lauer hunters are equipped with sensitive, highly developed senses and if everything around them is too strange, they would prefer to seek their salvation in the escape…

5. Create quiet retreats for the cat
On New Year’s Eve, create quiet retreats for the cat where it is safe and escapes the hustle and bustle. In the living area, cats anyway like to retreat to places where they have their peace: Under the bed, in closets – but also boxes, baskets, even bowls are gladly occupied! You are still undecided which cat furniture could come into question? Then click on here is also cat furniture, which is a perfect shelter for kitties!

View from cat tree
At a lofty height, almost as high as a large shrub or tree in nature, so should be a cat tree, and at the same time stable and sturdy. Preferably with a platform for the view! From a dizzying height, Mauz can keep an unhurried eye on everything from here. It’s best to choose a cat tree made of natural materials and pollutant-free wood; they not only convince with high-quality workmanship and materials without chemicals, but also do your cat good!

Safe cat cave
Whether they live in a house or in the wild, cats are on guard and always keep an eye on their surroundings. If things get dicey, they can quickly retreat to a safe place. In nature, this can be a high tree or a safe shelter, where a possible cat enemy has no access. A safe cat cave is also perfect over New Year’s Eve: Here the cat can make itself so really comfortable, if around the bear steppt. This environment is “safe”!

6. Use cat friendly New Year’s Eve decoration
Nice and colorful and glittery – that’s how we like it on New Year’s Eve. Preferably the whole place full of streamers, balloons and tinsel. And on top of it a little fireworks on the table and lead, which pours over the tablecloth… This really invites house cats to play and romp! Unfortunately, this often goes to the eye! Limit yourself to New Year’s Eve decorations in a room where you can see everything. Decoration should be cat-friendly and out of reach for velvet paws, because no one needs an injured kitty in the new year, right?

7. Keep the cat in sight
On New Year’s Eve, people feast extensively and raise many a glass. The mood barometer rises permanently, especially when the hand approaches 12! We want to let the year run out in full trains, there fall gladly all barriers. But please do not forget the house cat! Even – and especially – when the party is going on and the corks are popping: please keep an eye on the cat! Where is it? What is it doing? Is he feeling well? Does she have her peace despite the spectacle, if she wants it? Don’t forget her!
Can cats tolerate alcohol?

Alcohol is a neurotoxin. Unhealthy for humans and just as for our animals. However, humans do not tolerate spirits better, but differently than furry noses. Cats do not tolerate alcohol, for them even a small sip can be really threatening and cost them their lives. Do not let the cat taste the liquor and clean up the remains of the liquor that are still open after the party. Not that the curious velvet paw tries to sip…
Paws ???? away from alcohol – not only on New Year’s Eve!
Are cats allowed to snack on New Year’s Eve food?
Well served, tempting treats as far as the eye can see! Especially at the holidays there are opulent meals. And of course the smells also get into the nose of your furry nose, she would perhaps like to endure a bite – but are cats allowed to nibble from New Year’s Eve food? Here, too, a strict “no“! For cats, heavily salted and fatty food is nothing, it hits them on the stomach. If YOU want to do something good for your cat on New Year’s Eve, give him a cat snack.

8. Calm the cat when it is afraid
Your cat is a “creature of habit” Changes that affect its immediate environment stress it. This is also quite logical, because cats have to be on their guard; they constantly check their territory for dangers and can only relax when everything is controlled and found to be good; otherwise they are under power. For you it’s just New Year’s Eve, for your cat it’s a lot of noise and “intruders” in their familiar, safe habitat. Sounds like paranoia, but it is quite normal for cats and quite justified.
ATTENTION: How you can tell that your cat is scared, what are signs, and how can you reassure them?

The typical signs of anxiety in cats are:
- Shock rigidity
- Escape
- Crouching posture
- tail close to/ under the body
- tail bushy/ and slightly kinked
- fur ruffled
- snarl
- growl
- wide open eyes
- large pupils
- flattened/kinked ears
- trembling
- accelerated breathing
- vomiting
- discharge of urine or feces
Soothe the cat with scents

Pheromones are chemical substances produced by cats themselves. They are used for communication and influence their behavior. Cats produce these messenger substances in different body glands. However, these messenger substances can also be produced synthetically. You can use these scents to calm your cat; these feel-good pheromones can be spread and used wherever your cat is via atomizers or vaporizers.
Soothe the cat with music

Music is a sound that influences feelings. In many veterinary practices, music is therefore successfully used to take away animals’ fear and thus make the visit to the vet easier for them. You can calm your cat with music. Relaxation music is suitable when your cat is exposed to unknown or stressful situations, such as on New Year’s Eve. Ears pricked, here comes music that provides relaxation for salon lions.
Send reassuring signals

Cats do not only tell you with certain sounds what moves them, they use their whole body for this purpose. Send out reassuring signals that your cat knows and will bond with: a kind word and a gentle pat. Stay calm and relaxed and also ask visitors for restraint until your cat is no longer so shy, perhaps dares and approaches of its own accord.
Petting the cat when it wants it

We humans always think that it helps if we take care; however, in relation to a shy cat, this can be fatal. The more we “pamper” the frightened creature, the more it will run away. So please do not pursue and discuss like a Tibetan birth mill! Cats understand these therapy approaches smoothly miss and disappear all the more. Please stroke the cat only when it wants to be stroked
Check with the veterinarian for cat tranquilizers

If your kitty belongs to the contemporaries who are a little more anxious and quickly frightened, you should ask your vet for advice in advance to coordinate the procedure on New Year’s Eve with him. He can advise you and possibly also recommend a sedative for your cat. Then you are well prepared for the New Year’s Eve party and the new year can be rung in relaxed. We wish you both a happy New Year!