Want to make your own cat toys, but don’t know how? Here are some great ideas for your cat to have fun with and how to make them.
Maybe the cat toys in shops are too boring or mainstream. Are you looking for something nobody else has and that will look great in your home? Something unique and just the ticket, because it’s homemade especially for your favourite feline?
Then let’s get started. Have faith in yourself – it’s not that difficult.
You don’t have to be a DIY guru.
If you don’t have two left thumbs, you can build amazing toys yourself using very simple things:
– Cat fun, homemade!
Easy to make cat toys
At some point a game gets boring.
Cats are very inventive, even if you toss the same toy back and forth 100 times. They always come up with something new. But the time comes when the moment has passed.
Your cat has enjoyed the same toy so often that it’s become boring.
You need a bit of variety.
But constantly buying new cat toys costs a lot of money!
Plus, within a few years you’ll have gone through everything the shops have to offer.
There are countless variations in colour and shape, but it’s still the same old distraction for your cat.

Making your own game of chase
Want to offer your cat something new to play? Great!
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on toys! With a little imagination you can create a lot of things yourself with very simple objects that can be found in almost every household!
Put yourself in your cat’s shoes. You’re a hunter. So what do you like to do best?
Prowling, hunting and of course catching! So create stimulating games to satisfy these needs.
Simon´s Cat (2017): Waiting Game – Simon’s Cat | SHORTS #64,[YouTube-Video.], published on 30.06.2017,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TayIfVa0QPs&feature=youtu.be,
accessed on 02.03.2020
Lasers are toys that cats can hunt:
First they stalk. Then they pounce.
Balls and toy mice
What you need:
• Scraps of material
• Shoelaces
• optional: catnip, small bells
You can make small bags out of clean scraps of material, filled with more fabric scraps. A shoelace can serve as a mouse tail. Sew it on it tightly – otherwise it will quickly be pulled off! You can also add a little catnip or a small bell.
Light chasing games
Lights off, torches on! All you need is a flashlight and a playful cat.
Here we go! Shine the torchlight all over the floor and your furry friend can chase the light beam around.
Making socks into prey
If you want to make something appealing to chase, fill a clean child’s sock with wool, rice or spelt husks.
The filling shouldn’t be too heavy otherwise your quick-pawed puss won’t be able to catch its prey properly. You can also add some catnip or valerian to the filling, then knot or sew it up.

Making your own string games for cats
Tie two knots at both ends of a sturdy, thick, long string (not a thin one). At one end attach one of your cat’s toys. Kitty cats think it’s exciting if their “victim” is alive and still moving.
Fishing game
Fix a sturdy string to a flexible stick and attach an object to the end. A lightweight toy like a ball of paper, cork or piece of fabric are good to try and catch. But only let your pouncing puss play with it when you’re there. If the string gets around the neck, it can be dangerous for your cat.
Balls of wool
You should probably avoid balls of wool because, as highlighted in the fishing game, a long piece of string is a great toy but only if there’s someone to watch out that it isn’t eaten or becomes a death trap. The same applies to plastic bags and paper bags with handles – paws off!
Skill games for cats
You can always invent new challenges but make sure your cat feels s/he has succeeded. So don’t put the reward out of reach, otherwise it’s discouraging. Make sure that your cat has a sense of achievement and that there’s something really tasty to eat for special tasks.

Tunnels and caves
You can build tunnels and caves out of old cardboard boxes and connect them together. Only use clean cardboard boxes that previously contained things non-toxic for cats. Holes of different sizes in the cardboard box can be entrances for your furry friend, but can also hide prey or treasures: balls, walnuts, corks or treats.
Cat climbing games
Cats like climbing walls! And they’ll think it really great if you create a complete landscape for them! Just combine different elements together. These can be shelf-like parts as well as caves, tunnels or comfy surfaces that encourage your furry friend to “hang out“.
Source: https://www.youtube.com, status 26.02.2020
Easy play ideas for cats
“Why go far when the good stuff is so close?” When other animal roommates also have toys (and are willing to borrow them…), it’s a welcome change! The big tennis ball doesn’t fit in the cat’s muzzle, but it can be chased and the furry surface makes it wonderful for kitties to claw and grab.

Watch out for cat toy safety
Do not use any toxic materials or materials with a risk of injury. Also avoid wires, plastics, glass, plasticine, stones, marbles, beads, clips and anything with sharp edges. Please also leave out small parts and feathers that your kitty could swallow. Instead, take something natural with you on a walk in the woods – you’ll both get more out of it.
For more great ideas, check out our DIY cat toys Pinterest board.
DIY cat furniture – ideas to make yourself
You can also bring more variety into your cat’s life by building your own furniture for feline frolickers.
First think about what kind of furniture you want to build and how it matches your home. What should it look like to appeal to cats as well as look good? Make a sketch or design, and then choose the best approach.
– We’re sure you’ll find people eager to help!
Construct your own cat furniture
We’ve already explored “What cat furniture does my cat need?” Cat furniture can be very expensive.
If you don’t want to dig deep into your pocket or if you prefer something “unique”, you can also make it yourself.
The advantage: homemade cat furniture is cheaper and personalised.
Here are some creative ideas for stylish cat furniture (with detailed DIY instructions!).
Source: https://www.purina-gourmet.de/, status 26.02.2020
Creating a scratching post
Catching prey, fighting, running away – fun exercise not only keeps the body fit, but also ensures that a cat is stimulated and enjoys life.

Indoor cats need play hours and sufficient activity every day.
If a cat lives alone and has no buddy to tussle with, often your home furnishings suffer!
Give your cat appealing scratching posts – preferably as many as possible – but at least 1-2 per room.
When you start a cat-tree project, remember that a good scratching post must be sturdy. There’s a great DIY scratching post at the Tinkertoy and DIY store. And best of all, it comes with detailed instructions, measurements and even SketchUp to download! A stress-free cat-tree that’s stable and made to last.
Source: https://www.tueftler-und-heimwerker.de/, status 26.02.2020
You can find even more ideas for homemade scratching posts on our Pinterest pinboard on this topic.
Make a sleeping place for cats
Most of a cat’s day is spent relaxing. It’s all the more important that your cat has several places where it can spend this time peacefully. Preferably where it’s cosy and warm.

With “Homemade for DIYers” you’ll see how to build a sleeping perch on a windowsill or radiator. Then the search will be over and your soft-pawed puss will have an ultra-comfortable new favorite snoozing spot!
Don’t worry – it’s very easy. A downloadable video tutorial shows you clearly step by step how it’s done.
Source: https://www.handmadekultur.de/, status 26.02.2020
Ideas for DIY cat furniture
Do you feel like going further?
Then why don’t you go down to the cellar or into the attic and see what “treasures” are there. Many things you no longer use can be converted into great cat furniture. Even an old cardboard box can be turned into a great hiding place…
Go exploring! And if you can’t think of anything – here are 39 creative ideas for cat furniture that you can build yourself. Get inspired!
Source: https://zenideen.com/, status 26.02.2020
New self-made furniture, even very simple, is fun. Try it for yourself!
Creating a cat hidey-hole
Calling all needle crafters…. Why not make a cosy cave for your furry friend?
Cats like to retreat to a place where they’re undisturbed. When it feels like a safe cocoon, they’ll want curl up and enjoy being cosy and warm.
Here you‘ll find simple instructions for a crochet cat cave.
Source: https://stricken-haekeln.de/, status 26.02.2020
Get your needles, ready, go!