What age is your cat? Are they considered to be young or old? Are cat years the same as human years? If not,
how do you convert cat years into human years?

Is your feline friend going to be at your side well into your old age? Probably not. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also likely that your kitty won’t be around beyond a certain point of time. Why? Because their lifespan is different than yours. For cats, everything happens a little faster. Compared to human lives, cat lives proceed in a fast-forward time lapse! In other words, a cat’s age in years is very different from a human’s age in years.

What stage of life is your cat currently in? What things are most important during this period? Are there things you can do to help keep your furry friend fit so that it can have a long cat life?

Convert cat years to human years

Use the calculator to find out how old your cat is.

My cat is 1 years old.

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We all get a bit older every day, and so do our cats. Compared to us, however, cat development proceeds at a much faster pace. Especially in the first few months of life, these little fur balls are already able to stand on their own two paws and feed themselves, even after a few weeks. At 12 months, cats can already reproduce! Humans, on the other hand, need at least a decade! Why is it important to know your cat’s age? If you know what phase of life your kitty is in, you can offer them exactly what they need at that stage! But how do you convert cat years into human years?

How do you calculate your cat’s age in human years?

How can you calculate how old your cat is in human years? In the past, when experts tried to figure out the age of cats in relation to our human experience of time, they used to assume that one cat year corresponded to seven human years. Today, however, we know that a cat’s development doesn’t proceed at the same pace in each different life phase. Kittens grow at a gallop, for example, but after that things proceed more leisurely until they reach a senior age. In other words, simply multiplying a cat’s age by seven won’t work!

The cat years to human years calculator

The Cat’s Best 🐾 cat years to human years calculator is a practical aid for figuring out how old your cat is in human years. This free tool makes it possible to easily calculate your cat’s human age without having to use a slide rule. Simply enter your cat’s data into the cat years to human years calculator and it will quickly determine how old your cat is in human years!

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Convert cat years to human years using a table

You can also convert your cat’s age using a conversion table. If you are a fan of using tables, we’ve provided a detailed table¹ of cat years to human years that you can download in PDF format here. This way, you’ll always have it at hand and can determine your cat’s age in human years at any time:   

Cat´s Best 🐾 Table: Cat years converted into human years


¹Source: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH (2024): “Katzen-Vorsorge-Check”, online at Katzenalter – Katzen-Vorsorge-Check, accessed on 7 Feb. 2024

How old do cats get?

How old cats get depends on many different factors. For example, is your cat athletic and do they exercise a lot? When cats don’t get enough exercise and don’t burn enough energy, they’re going to put on weight. And if your cat is overweight and inactive, they risk suffering from long-term health problems. This is not a good prerequisite for a long life! In fact, it will likely start a miserable vicious circle, because the more weight your kitty has to carry around, the less they’re going to be able to move “properly”. This will be stressful for your cat, and sometimes they will eat even more under stress. This kind of “eating out of frustration” will then cause them to put on more and more fat …

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The average life expectancy of a cat

On average, the life expectancy of cats is around 15 years. However, there are exceptions to the rule that are well above that average. For example, “Creme Puff”, a domestic born on 3 August 1967 in Austin, Texas, died there on 6 August 2005. He holds the record, reaching the biblical age of 38 years and three days. He even made it into the Guinness Book of Records as “The oldest cat in the world”. Still, there are some breeds of cat that live longer on average than their counterparts in other breeds:

The TOP 10 pedigree cats with above-average life expectancy:

Balinese lives on average 18 to 22 years

Bengal lives on average 12 to 16 years

Burma lives on average 16 to 18 years

European Shorthair lives on average 15 to 22 years

Maine Coon lives on average 12 to 15 years

Norwegian Forest Cat lives on average 14 to 16 years

Persian lives on average 10 to 17 years

Ragdoll lives on average 15 to 17 years

Savannah lives on average 12 to 20 years

Siam lives on average 15 to 20 years

Life expectancy of indoor cats

Indoor cats live on average 15 to 18 years, which means that they have a longer life expectancy statistically than outdoor cats or strays. Some cat owners believe that keeping their cat indoors is the best way to care for them. And this is true in many ways, of course, especially as indoor cats are not exposed to being hunted or to any environmental toxins or traffic. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a number of dangers lurking in your home! And you should be aware of them:

Dangers for cats in the household

Windows & doors:

Cat gone missing? Before this happens, you should make sure all doors and windows are secure. Depending on your taste and structural circumstances, there are grilles, nets and roller blinds you can install at the side and top of windows to protect your cat.


Cats love balconies! They can experience so many interesting things: smells, noises, prey fluttering past, it makes you want to spend the whole day out there. But first make sure your balcony is cat-proof!

Washing machine & dryer:

A cat’s favourite place to beare spots where they feel cosy, warm and protected. So always be on the safe side and take a quick look before every wash or dry cycle, just in case the drum is occupied by your furry friend. Do a quick cat check before you switch the machine on!


There are plenty of plants that are safe for cats, but there are others that you should make sure not to have in your home. Which ones are which? Which ones are the “good” plants and which are poisonous for cats?

Plastic bags:

Plastic bags aren’t good for the environment, so if you’re going to have grocery bags around the house, make sure they’re paper bags! Cats like to play with paper bags, but they won’t hurt themselves with these bags, even if they end up biting off a piece.


Many of the things that taste good to us humans are actually harmful to our kitties. We all want to make our furry friends happy with a tasty treat, but don’t forget that some of the things we offer them aren’t actually good for them. There are certain foods your cat shouldn’t eat.

Life expectancy of outdoor cats

At an average of 8 to 12 years, the life expectancy of outdoor cats is somewhat lower than indoor cats. It would appear that freedom comes at a price. Sometimes outdoor cats pay for this freedom with their lives, usually due to dangers lurking outside that aren’t found in a protected living space, including conflicts with fellow felines, accidents and parasites such as mites, ticks and cat fleas.

How long is it possible for cats to live?

It’s possible for cats to live to be 38 years old. This is age reached by an indoor cat named “Creme Puff”, who was once the “oldest living cat”. This record in the Guinness Book of Records was once held by a Siamese cat named “Scooter”, born on 26 March 1986, which also came from Texas and never left his Meowmy Gail’s side. “Scooter” was overtaken by “Rubble” at the time, a Maine Coon tomcat born in the UK in 1988. “Rubble’s” owner Michele was with her cat from the age of 20, and the kitten was a present for her birthday! In 2020, at almost 32 years old, he passed over that eternal Rainbow Bridge. 

How can I determine a cat’s age?

There are certain signs that allow you to determine how old your cat is. Starting at the age of 7, cats start to age slowly but surely. At first, you probably won’t notice them getting older; it’s only when certain characteristics become more common and their body starts to change that you’ll realise your furry friend is now a senior. For example, your cat might start behaving in ways you’re not used to. A cat that used to rule over a large empire and never got enough playing and romping around might all of a sudden become a couch potato who prefers to leave the field to the young hotshots.

The different phases of a cat’s life

Cats go through different phases in their lives. Initially, their development is quite rapid. In the first few weeks after they’re born, you can see kittens get bigger every day. This phase of life is the fastest. When those kittens are fully grown, you’ll no longer be able to track their continuing development directly, because their bodies won’t display too many visual changes. After being an adult for many years, your cat will enter a new phase of life. This advanced age is where their last stage of life begins, and soon it will be time to say goodbye. Cats are very much in tune with their internal clock. They instinctively know when it’s time to go.

Kitten to teenager

Your cat is considered a kitten until they’re about 6 months old. When they’re born, kittens are already equipped with vital reflexes, including the sucking reflex, but they won’t yet be able to hear or see anything. This means they’ll use their sense of smell to find their mother and her nourishing milk! Pretty soon you’ll be seeing the infamous “milk press”, that rhythmic use of the front paws to gently stimulate the flow of milk. As your kitten grows and thrives, it will go through 3 crucial stages of development:

  1. In weeks 1-2, your kitten is still completely dependent on its mother.
  2. In weeks 3 to 7, the kitten begins to perceive and explore its surroundings.
  3. In weeks 8 to 24, their relationship and bond with their human owner is established and strengthened.
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It doesn’t take long for a cute baby kitten to become a self-confident junior kitten. At around 7 months, your cat will officially be a teenager. Depending on the breed, constitution and body weight, teenage female cats will already be sexually mature at 4 to 12 months. For male cats, maturity only starts at around 8 to 10 months. Of course, now you’re probably asking yourself the question, when’s the best time to have your cat neutered?


You can have your cat neutered starting at the age of six months. If you have a female cat, you should do so preferably before she goes into heat for the first time and also before your male cat starts spraying and marking!

Adult cat

When your cat is 3 to 10 years old, your cat will be an adult. This means that your spring chicken is going to be calmer and have different needs and demands than when they were a kitten or teenager. They’re still going to like to play, but they’re often going to withdraw for a nap, which in turn can change their metabolism. For this reason, you should always adapt your cat’s diet to the specific stage of life it’s in. It’s best to do this long enough before the next stage of life so that your kitty can get used to it. Use the “salami technique” to switch to a different food: just mix the previous food more and more with the unfamiliar food and thereby sneak in the new diet.


Is it your cat’s 1st birthday? Of course, you’re going to want to celebrate it properly!

Are you looking for something to get them for their birthday to show them that today is a very special day?

Here are 5 tips for your cat’s birthday for you!

Elderly cat

Your cat will be considered an elderly or senior citizen cat starting at the age of 11. Their body will change and their organs will no longer work as they did when they were younger. Their powers of perception will therefore also decline over the years: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling just won’t be what they used  to be. Still, some cats become more receptive in old age, and if that happens, they’re going to want more closeness, more petting and more physical contact! When you stroke a cat, it stimulates their blood circulation, which means that petting isn’t just good for the soul; it also makes sure elderly cats feel better in their bodies. In other words, cuddling isn’t only for fun, it also keeps you and your cat healthy! Also, older cats often tend to have more sensitive paws, so they’ll be happy if you provide them with paw-friendly cat litter.

Tips for ensuring a long cat life

What can you do to help your cat live a long and healthy life? Cats need exercise, because only if your cat’s in good shape will it be able to stay healthy and fit. Always feed your cat food that is appropriate to its specific breed, and don’t forget to keep an eye on its weight. Overweight cats often have weakened immune systems, and this means that fat cats are more susceptible to illness. In this case, prevention is better than treatment, and it’s also why vaccinations against rabies, feline enteritis, Chlamydia, FeLV and FIP are a must. In addition to their physical health, a cat’s mental health is also key. For example, cats don’t like being alone; they enjoy being together with their human friends and fellow animal companions.

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FAQs – Cat age

How many cat years are the equivalent to one human year?

When trying to calculate the age of cats in relation to our human experience of time, experts used to think that one cat year equalled seven human years. Today, however, we know for certain that cats don’t develop at the same pace in all phases of their lives.

How many years do cats live on average?

The average life expectancy of a cat is 15 years. However, there are some exceptions to this rule that extend far beyond the average. Cats can even live to be 38 years old! This is exactly what an American indoor cat named “Creme Puff” actually did.

What are the different life phases cats go through?

Cats go through several different phases in their lives. Initially, they’ll develop quite rapidly from kitten to teenager. As soon as your cat enters adulthood, it marks yet another new phase of life. When they reach old age, your cat will become a senior citizen and enter their last stage of life.

How do I determine my cat’s age?

You can determine how old your cat is by usingthe Cat’s Best 🐾 catyears to human years calculator or by consulting a conversion table. Either way, you’ll be able to compare your cat’s age with its equivalent in human years. This makes it possible to see how old your furry friend would be in human years.

How is cat age calculated?

Our Cat’s Best 🐾 cat years to human years calculator is a handy tool for converting cat years to human years. With the help of this free calculator, you can easily work out how old your cat is in human years.

How many years does an indoor cat live?

Indoor cats live 15 to 18 years on average, meaning that they statistically have a longer life expectancy than outdoor cats or strays. But don’t forget that there are still plenty of dangers lurking in every home. You should always be aware of these dangers and protect your feline friend from encountering them.

How many years does an outdoor cat live?

The average life expectancy of outdoor cats is 8 to 12 years, which is slightly less than indoor cats. When your cat spends time outdoors, they’ll be exposed to different risks than in a protected living space: for example, accidents and fights with other cats.