Cat breed American Shorthair


What is the special trait of this breed?
Play enthusiast
The character of the American Shorthair is very similar to that of the European Shorthair. Every single cat has a unique personality, varying due to surroundings and conditions. This applies to both the outer appearance and inner qualities. One may be more cautious and reserved while another might be a real daredevil!
Only two things are common to all members of the breed: The like to play and are good house mates to any other pets around. The play and hunting instinct is very strong and will remain so up to old age, no matter how reduced the agility of the limbs may be. So – mice be warned! If they happen to find themselves on American Shorthair territory – the air may suddenly be getting very thin!

What traits are unique to the American Shorthair?
Freedom that I mean…
The American Shorthair likes to be home, playing and cuddling with their human, but it won’t stay on your lap on end. It will decide when affection is needed and when it has had enough.
Now and then they need fresh air, to be out in the world. Then they leave to roam about checking for any news on their territory. Sometimes this will drive them far from home and hearth but they will always be back. The American Shorthair is affectionate and loyal, knows where it belongs and where people are waiting for it to come home.
But always within four walls? – that is no option for this independent creature, doesn’t fit the character; it needs a big realm where it can freely attend to its own business.