Has the following ever happened to you? You’re in the middle of unpacking something you bought in a big cardboard box, you look the other way for a second and – bang – your cat has jumped into the box! Why are cats so crazy about cardboard boxes? Haven’t we given them enough cosy baskets and sofas to lounge on? Sure, but there’s something extra special about these prefab cardboard containers. They give cats a sense of security and safety, providing them with mini hideaways that are perfect for relaxing and escaping the daily grind. Sound interesting? Continue reading to find out why cardboard boxes are the ultimate retreat for cats and how you can make the most of this phenomenon.

Why do cats love cardboard boxes?

Have you ever wondered why your cat will jump straight into a cardboard box? For us they might be simple shipping containers, but for cats they promise a whole world of adventure! Cardboard boxes give them security, protection and a perfect place to hide. Cats also enjoy lurking in them, always ready to break out or start a ‘covert’ game at any time. These boxes are small spaces to relax while also providing the best venue to quench their thirst for adventure….

Cardboard boxes protect cats from enemies

Our cats love cardboard boxes because they feel safe in them – especially from their own point of view. In the wild, cats are constantly on the lookout for enemies. A cardboard box gives them the sense of being invisible and therefore safe. It offers protection , peace & quiet and a place of retreat. But why is this so deeply rooted in their behaviour? The answer to that question has to do with their heritage and some exciting survival strategies. Let’s take a quick leap back into their evolutionary history:

Did you know …

The ancestors of our domestic cats lived in the wild and had to protect themselves from larger predators. In order to survive, they sought shelter in narrow, protected hiding places. Today, this type of behaviour is still deeply rooted in their nature and explains why they love cardboard boxes so much.

Cardboard is a very good insulator

Cardboard boxes are cosy and keep cats wonderfully warm! Cardboard is an amazingly good insulator that stores your cat’s body heat. So it’s no wonder your furry friends like to curl up in these boxes, especially on chilly days. They feel safe in there, almost like in a cosy cat bed. The best thing is that cardboard boxes are versatile and help your cat feel at ease.

Have you ever wondered why cats love warmth so much?

  • Thermoregulation:

Cats are descended from desert animals that were perfectly adapted to hot, dry environments. Their body temperature is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius, which is slightly higher than that of humans. This allows them to save energy for thermoregulation. It’s a clever strategy that prompts them to seek out cosy places to warm up instead of expending energy themselves.

  • Comfort and relaxation:

Warmth is a boon for cats because it helps them relax their muscles. They can rest and unwind more easily in the warmth, and this is good for them in and of itself.

  • Instinctive protection from the cold:

As cats originally come from warm regions, they’re more sensitive to the cold. In cold environments, they like to seek out cosy corners and sunny spots to warm up.

It’s therefore not at all surprising that our little purring machines love warmth. This preference is rooted both in their genes and their long history. Even if the cardboard box itself doesn’t provide any warmth, it will still help your cat store their own heat more efficiently. At the same time, it offers them a sense of security.

Cardboard boxes make great cat beds

Cardboard boxes simply make the perfect cat beds! Not only do they offer protection, they also provide your cat with a cosy environment in which they can feel safe and secure. Cardboard boxes are closed on all sides but one, which means they give our feline friends a sense of security and thus a wonderful place to curl up and sleep in. Interested in finding out more about ideal sleeping spots for cats and their preferred sleeping positions? Click here to find out everything you need to know about ensuring your cat gets a great sleep.

Cardboard boxes help cats settle in when moving house

Cardboard boxes aren’t just wonderful to play in; they’re also a great way for cats to settle into a new home. A cardboard box is a safe hiding place, especially for cats you bring home from animal shelters. These cats have often had difficult lives up until that point, and here they can retreat and get used to their new surroundings in peace. A simple cardboard box can work wonders and give your new furry friend a feeling of safety and security.

Why do cats enjoy spending time in small, enclosed spaces?

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Protection and safety:

By their very nature, cats are both predators and potential prey. In the wild, they seek out narrow, sheltered hiding places to protect themselves from predators. This behaviour is still very pronounced in our domestic cats: they feel safe in confined spaces because it allows them to hide and observe potential threats from a protected position.

  • Stress reduction:

Studies¹ have shown that cats feel safer and less stressed in enclosed, confined spaces. A confined space can function as a kind of ‘stress-free comfort zone’ for your cat. This is a space where they feel safe and secure. This kind of stress reduction is especially important in new or unfamiliar environments.

¹Source: PLOS ONE (14 October 2019): „The effect of a hiding box on stress levels and body weight in Dutch shelter cats; a randomized controlled trial“, online at the effect of a hiding box on stress levels and body weight in Dutch shelter cats; a randomized controlled trial | PLOS ONE, accessed on 16 September 2024

  • Warmth and cosiness:

Confined spaces such as boxes or small dens retain the cat’s body heat and give it a cosy, warm feeling that is simply good for it. Cats can store their own heat particularly well in these confined spaces, which is especially beneficial in colder environments.

Your furry friend is curious

Your furry friend is incredibly curious by nature, just like all cats. In general, your cat will always love to discover new things. Whether it’s a rustling box or a new corner in the house – everything needs to be examined and explored! A cardboard box is the perfect venue for hiding, scratching and jumping in and out of. It’s an entire world of adventure for your kitty. In fact, this kind of cardboard buddy offers a never-ending array of new fun and discovery!

A cardboard box is the perfect retreat for your cat

A cardboard box is a wonderful retreat for your cat, especially if it’s on the anxious side.  Inside their little ‘cardboard castle’, your cat will feel safe and be able to observe the world around them in peace without being seen. The cardboard box will give them a sense of security and protection, which is perfect for relieving stress. Shy cats in particular like to use hiding places to withdraw and feel more comfortable in new surroundings.

Do only domestic cats love cardboard boxes?

Guess what? Domestic cats aren’t the only ones crazy about boxes. Big cats, such as lions and tigers, also love to hide in boxes and similar hiding places. Have you ever watched those videos² showing big cats jumping into boxes? If so, you’ll have noticed that this behaviour runs deep in all cats. Big or small, the urge to retreat into confined, safe spaces is part of their natural instinct. Isn’t that fascinating?

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²Source: Big Cats Play With Boxes| Just like house cats, these BIG cats love to play with cardboard boxes,[YouTube-Video.], by  Indiana Salome Merali, published on 27 January 2017 at Big Cats Play With Boxes — And They Love Them | The Dodo (youtube.com), accessed on 13 Sept. 2024

Making the most of cats’ love of cardboard boxes

Is your cat a real cardboard box fan? That’s good news, because we’ve got some great tips for you on how you can make the most of your cat’s enthusiasm! A simple cardboard box offers so many great possibilities: you can use it as a cosy retreat, as an exciting toy or even as a means of acclimatising to new situations and surroundings. How about setting up a box for your furry friend and maybe even hiding toys in it? This way, your cat will always have a safe place to relax in, while also having some exciting activities to engage in at the same time. A cardboard box will make your cat’s life more colourful and exciting!

Cardboard boxes help cats reduce their stress levels

Cardboard boxes aren’t just great hiding places for your cat; they also help them to relax and reduce stress. If your cat is particularly anxious, it will feel safe and secure in its box. In this small, protected space, they will feel secure enough to calm down and process the hustle and bustle around them – all at their own pace. In other words, a simple cardboard box can go a long way towards giving your furry friend more peace and security.

Using cardboard boxes to make moving house easier

Moving house can be quite stressful for cats. But don’t worry, cardboard boxes can help! In an unfamiliar environment, your furry friend can find peace and security in a familiar ‘cardboard box hideaway’. And the best thing about it: you can simply place a few cardboard boxes in your new home as a safe retreat for your little tiger. This way, they can explore the new rooms at their own pace and settle in more quickly. Just one simple box can make all the difference!

Cats and cardboard boxes

Cats and cardboard boxes – it’s an unbeatable duo! Your furry friend will love to play, jump and hide in them. A cardboard box offers your cat a sense of security but also hours of playtime fun. Sometimes the cardboard box will get quite tattered and maybe even ripped into pieces.  Either way – as a hiding place or hunting ground – cardboard boxes will make your cat’s life more exciting!

Why do cats scratch and nibble on cardboard boxes?

Want to know why your cat likes to scratch and nibble on cardboard boxes so much? It’s actually quite simple: cats use cardboard boxes as cosy retreats, but also as a place where they can give free rein to their play and hunting instincts! Nibbling relieves stress and allows your cat to explore its surroundings, while scratching helps it groom its claws. For your cat, a cardboard box like this is a perfect ‘all-in-one toy’: a hiding place, scratching post and helpless prey at the same time.

Why do cats scratch cardboard boxes?

Cats like to scratch cardboard boxes because it allows them to groom their claws and mark their territory at the same time. The material offers just the right amount of resistance to sharpen their claws and release excess energy. They also leave scents – known as pheromones – on the scratch marks to mark the box as ‘theirs’. For your furry friends, these cardboard boxes aren’t just nice toys; they also represent a very personal territory where they can feel safe and secure.

Cats produce different types of pheromones, each with their own different functions:

  1. Facial pheromones:

These are secreted by glands near the cheeks and forehead. Cats rub themselves against objects and people to mark their territory and signal a safe environment. These pheromones have a calming effect and promote the cat’s well-being.

  • Paw pheromones:

These pheromones are released during scratching. They are used to mark the territory and to signal to other cats that this territory is ‘occupied’. This is a form of territorial communication.

  • Sex pheromones:

Unneutered cats release these pheromones during mating season. Female cats in heat release pheromones to attract males.

  • Alarm pheromones:

These pheromones are released in stressful or anxious situations, e.g. during a visit to the vet or in the face of a particular threat. Other cats can be warned by these pheromones.

Is it dangerous for cats to nibble on cardboard?

If your cat likes to nibble on cardboard boxes, you may be wondering whether this is dangerous to their health or not. In most cases, it’s completely harmless. Cats nibble out of pure curiosity or to relieve stress. Anxious cats tend to use their ‘cardboard castle’ as a cosy retreat, but they also like to nibble on it as a way of calming themselves down. You should always make sure that your cat doesn’t swallow any large pieces, as this can lead to digestive problems. For this reason, it’s very important to check the box regularly!

If you notice that your cat is eating cardboard on a regular basis, this might be an indication of boredom, stress or even a health problem. In this case, you should consult a vet.

Are cardboard scratching toys for cats worth purchasing?

Unfortunately, cardboard scratching toys tend to break down more quickly than toys made of more robust materials, especially if your cat really enjoys scratching them. However, the big advantage of cardboard cat toys is that they’re very inexpensive and quick to replace. For many cat owners, this kind of purchase is worthwhile because their furry friends enjoy them so much and they’re very affordable scratching toys. They’re also a great idea as gifts for cat owners because they offer fun, activity and safety all in one box.

Frequently asked questions – Why do cats like cardboard boxes?

Why do cats like cardboard boxes?

Our cats love cardboard boxes because they feel very comfortable in them. The constricted, enclosed space offers them protection and reduces their stress level. They can also live out their natural hunting instincts and hide and play in them. In other words, cardboard boxes are a wonderful mixture of safe space and toy for our furry friends.

Do wild cats like cardboard boxes too?

Wild cats, such as lions and tigers, love cardboard boxes too! At zoos and sanctuaries, big cats can be seen jumping into cardboard boxes and playing with them. These cats are motivated by the same things that inspire our domestic cats to love cardboard boxes: they offer a sense of protection and security and are exciting to explore! This behaviour is deeply rooted in the nature of big cats – just like in our furry friends at home.

Why do cats nibble on cardboard boxes?

Our cats nibble on cardboard boxes from time to time because they’re curious and want to explore their surroundings. For some cats, it’s also a good way to relieve stress and boredom. As long as they don’t eat entire boxes on a regular basis and don’t swallow large pieces, this behaviour is generally harmless.

Cat nibbling on cardboard – Is it dangerous?

Occasional nibbling on cardboard is generally harmless as long as the cat doesn’t swallow any large pieces. Small amounts of cardboard are generally harmless, but they can lead to digestive problems if eaten in excess. Make sure your cat doesn’t eat too much and consult a vet if it nibbles an inappropriately large amount.

Why do cats sit on cardboard boxes?

Our cats like to sit on cardboard boxes because it gives them a sense of security and control. The elevated position allows them to observe their surroundings while having a safe place to sit. Plus, kitties love the texture of cardboard – it feels comfortable and gives them a cosy feel.

Why does my cat always tear up its cardboard boxes?

Your cat tears up its cardboard boxes as a way of living out its natural hunting and play instinct. Tearing up boxes helps cats release excess energy and groom their claws. Cats also leave scent marks via their paws as a way of marking their territory. In other words, for cats, tearing up cardboard is a mixture of fun, stress relief and natural behaviour.

Is cardboard poisonous for cats?

Cardboard itself is non-toxic to cats. Cardboard is mainly made up of cellulose fibres obtained from wood. These fibres are pressed into thick, stable layers. Glue or starch is often used to bond them. Still, you should always make sure that there are no staples or any adhesive tape, printing ink or chemicals on the cardboard boxes you make available for your cat.